SUBDIRS := tests AS := nspire-as GCC := nspire-gcc GCCFLAGS := -Os -nostdlib -Wall -W -Wno-strict-aliasing LD := nspire-ld LDFLAGS := -nostdlib OBJCOPY := "$(shell (which arm-elf-objcopy arm-none-eabi-objcopy arm-linux-gnueabi-objcopy | head -1) 2>/dev/null)" DISTDIR := ../calcbin vpath %.tno $(DISTDIR) vpath %.tnc $(DISTDIR) vpath %.tco $(DISTDIR) vpath %.tcc $(DISTDIR) vpath %.tmo $(DISTDIR) vpath %.tmc $(DISTDIR) vpath %.tns $(DISTDIR) .DEFAULT_GOAL := all ./ > include all: $(INSTALLER_FILES) static ndless_resources.tns subdirs res: ndless_resources.tns %.o: %.c $(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $< %.o: %.S $(AS) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $< %.elf: %.o $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ static: @mkdir -p $(DISTDIR) @cp ndless.cfg.tns $(DISTDIR) # Build with the light and stage1 switches (temporarily added to $GCCFLAGS), and in thumb mode # because of the size limit of the installer ints_light_thumb.o: ints.c $(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ syscalls_light_thumb.o: syscalls.c $(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ # utils.c contains C-preprocessor logic based on OS_VERSION. Build an .o for each version. utils_light_thumb_%.o: utils.c $(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ # Prevent automatic deletion of these files considered as intermediate because not explicitely named as a target .PRECIOUS: utils_light_thumb_%.o # Explicit dependencies strangely required for the target to avoid being rebuilt when not really needed stage1.o: stage1.c stage0.o: stage0.S # To be used as a target-specific value for each ndless_installer_*.elf. # Use with $(call GCCFLAGS_INSTALLER, ) # OS_VERSION has its '.' replaced by '_' by this function. # OS_VERSION_INT only contains digits for easier case testing with the C preprocessing. GCCFLAGS_INSTALLER =-D _NDLS_LIGHT -D STAGE1 -mthumb-interwork -mthumb -D OS_VERSION=$(subst .,_,$(1)) -D OS_VERSION_INT=$(subst .,,$(1)) -D MODEL=$(MODEL) # Required for $$*. Caution, applies to all the following targets. .SECONDEXPANSION: # stage0.o is the entry point: must be first in the list, and linked with --light-startup ndless_installer-%-ncas.elf: stage0.o stage1.o ints_light_thumb.o syscalls_light_thumb.o utils_light_thumb_ncas-$$*.o syscalls-light_ncas-%.o $(LD) --light-startup-no-header $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ ndless_installer-%-cas.elf: stage0.o stage1.o ints_light_thumb.o syscalls_light_thumb.o utils_light_thumb_cas-$$*.o syscalls-light_cas-%.o $(LD) --light-startup-no-header $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ ndless_installer-%-ncascx.elf: stage0.o stage1.o ints_light_thumb.o syscalls_light_thumb.o utils_light_thumb_ncascx-$$*.o syscalls-light_ncascx-%.o $(LD) --light-startup-no-header $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ ndless_installer-%-cascx.elf: stage0.o stage1.o ints_light_thumb.o syscalls_light_thumb.o utils_light_thumb_cascx-$$*.o syscalls-light_cascx-%.o $(LD) --light-startup-no-header $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ ndless_installer-%-cmc.elf: stage0.o stage1.o ints_light_thumb.o syscalls_light_thumb.o utils_light_thumb_cmc-$$*.o syscalls-light_cmc-%.o $(LD) --light-startup-no-header $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ ndless_installer-%-cascmc.elf: stage0.o stage1.o ints_light_thumb.o syscalls_light_thumb.o utils_light_thumb_cascmc-$$*.o syscalls-light_cascmc-%.o $(LD) --light-startup-no-header $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@ ndless_installer-%.bin: ndless_installer-%.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $@ ndless_installer-%.tno: ndless_installer-%-ncas.bin tno_template.bin mkdir -p $(DISTDIR) MakeTNO $< $(DISTDIR)/$@ $(OS_NAME) tno_template.bin 86 ndless_installer-%.tnc: ndless_installer-%-cas.bin tno_template.bin mkdir -p $(DISTDIR) MakeTNO $< $(DISTDIR)/$@ $(OS_NAME) tno_template.bin 86 ndless_installer-%.tco: ndless_installer-%-ncascx.bin tno_template.bin mkdir -p $(DISTDIR) MakeTNO $< $(DISTDIR)/$@ $(OS_NAME) tno_template.bin 86 ndless_installer-%.tcc:ndless_installer-%-cascx.bin tno_template.bin mkdir -p $(DISTDIR) MakeTNO $< $(DISTDIR)/$@ $(OS_NAME) tno_template.bin 86 ndless_installer-%.tmo: ndless_installer-%-cmc.bin tno_template.bin mkdir -p $(DISTDIR) MakeTNO $< $(DISTDIR)/$@ $(OS_NAME) tno_template.bin 86 ndless_installer-%.tmc: ndless_installer-%-cascmc.bin tno_template.bin mkdir -p $(DISTDIR) MakeTNO $< $(DISTDIR)/$@ $(OS_NAME) tno_template.bin 86 ndless_installer-bin-%.o: ndless_installer-%.bin tno_template_installed.bin MakeTNO $< $(@:.o=.tmp.o) $* tno_template_installed.bin 0 $(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-littlearm -B arm $(@:.o=.tmp.o) $@ # @rm $(@:.o=.tmp.o) .PRECIOUS: ndless_installer-%.bin SYSCALLS_LIGHT_OBJS := $(foreach os_version, $(OS_VERSIONS), $(foreach model, $(MODELS), syscalls-light_$(model)-$(os_version).o)) # Prevent automatic deletion of these files considered as intermediate because not explicitely named as a target .PRECIOUS: $(SYSCALLS_LIGHT_OBJS) SYSCALLS_OBJS := $(foreach os_version, $(OS_VERSIONS), $(foreach model, $(MODELS), syscalls_$(model)-$(os_version).o)) INSTALLER_BIN_OBJS := $(foreach os_version, $(OS_VERSIONS), $(foreach model, $(MODELS), ndless_installer-bin-$(os_version)-$(model).o)) CORE_OBJS := install.o ploaderhook.o bflt.o ints.o syscalls.o utils.o emu.o luaext.o $(SYSCALLS_OBJS) $(INSTALLER_BIN_OBJS) RES_OBJS := $(CORE_OBJS) # Build with the light switch (temporarily added to $GCCFLAGS) # (no thumb mode because HOOK_() isn't compatible with this mode) ints_light.o: ints.c $(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ syscalls_light.o: syscalls.c $(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ utils_light.o: utils.c $(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ ndless_core.elf: $(CORE_OBJS) $(LD) --light-startup $^ -o $@ ndless_resources.tns: ndless_core.elf $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $< $(DISTDIR)/$@ subdirs: @for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \ echo "make all in $$i..."; \ (cd $$i; make all) || exit 1; done clean: cleanbin cleanapp cleansubdirs cleanapp: rm -rf $(DISTDIR)/ndless_installer*.t?? $(DISTDIR)/ndless_resources.tns $(DISTDIR)/ndless.cfg.tns cleaninst: rm -rf ndless_installer.elf $(INST_OBJS) cleanres: rm -rf ndless_core.elf $(RES_OBJS) cleanbin: rm -rf *.o *.elf *.tno *.tnc ndless_installer-*.bin cleansubdirs: @for i in $(SUBDIRS); do \ echo "make all in $$i..."; \ (cd $$i; make clean) || exit 1; done