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Firmware Numworks Omega O1.20.3-E14 - N0110

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Catégorie :Category: OS NumWorks
Auteurs Authors: quentinguidee, redgl0w, M4x1m3
Type : Logiciel
Taille Size: 613.28 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 25/02/2021 - 13:20:17
Uploadeur Uploader: M4x1m3 (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 39
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a2703897


Firmware Omega pour N0110.

Version : O1.20.3-E14
Commit : 46658f7077045b28906e257f544414e41f62381a

- Update: Updated to Epsilon 14.4.1!
- New: Added 67 constants
- New: New units
- New: 3DS Simulator
- New: External apps are displayed on the Home Screen
- New: Python: open method (and derivatives)
- New: Physics constants are now using the Epsilon units
- New: Added message when the compilation starts
- New: Undef is hidden during symbolic calculation
- New: Display the scripts size
- New: Community themes: Download a community theme with THEME_REPO=git-url and THEME_NAME=theme_name.
- New: Compact display mode enabled by default Compact display now available on Epsilon
- New: Shift + Home is now a shortcut to go to calculation (or the first app)
- New: Support for RGB files without alpha channel.
- New: Add root and log settings
- New: shortcut (with ALPHA + x10^x), @ shortcut (with ALPHA + ANS), µ and Ω
- New: Docker!
- New: Web simulator background
- Change: Result display setting is now displayed in "Math settings"
- Change: Simulators are renamed (Epsilon -> Omega)
- Fix: ALPHA lock + arrow
- Fix crash on append on new file
- Change color of fractal in mandelbrot.py
- Python os module (uname, listdir, remove, rename)
- New: Document os
- Change: Clean useless files in os
- New: @ Ω µ on the simulator keys
- New: Persistent Simulator storage
- Change: Constants based on the CODATA 2018
- Change: Visual keyboard only change state on keydown

À flasher avec https://ti-planet.github.io/webdfu_numworks/n0110/

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