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Gui Toolkit Nspire 0.3beta

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Catégorie :Category: Utilitaires Kernels TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: Sly
Type : Assembleur nécessitant un kernel
Taille Size: 1.17 Mo MB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 26/02/2021 - 21:49:11
Uploadeur Uploader: SlyVTT (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 48
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a2704117


This is a Widget toolkit for making GUI on NSpire

The development is not so advanded but one already use this toolkit to make applications.
Already existing and useable widgets are :

labels / input / sliders / buttons / minibuttons / window / frame / ContainerH and ContainerV

Attached is a small example :
touch pad to control the cursor (like a mouse) and click
esc to exit
Ctrl + . (capture) takes a screenshot

Widgets.tns, 001.bmp.tns and 002.bmp.tns must be in a root based directory called 'Widget'.

Tested only on nSpire CX II-T CAS, not sure if it work correcly on other nSpire devices.

Source code is available for ones who can be interested.

Revision is 0.3beta.

Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
2.24 Ko KB ButtonWidget.cpp
620 octets bytes ButtonWidget.h
2.89 Ko KB CheckBoxWidget.cpp
922 octets bytes CheckBoxWidget.h
2.22 Ko KB ContainerHWidget.cpp
888 octets bytes ContainerHWidget.h
2.21 Ko KB ContainerVWidget.cpp
887 octets bytes ContainerVWidget.h
1.28 Ko KB CursorTask.cpp
513 octets bytes CursorTask.h
2.31 Ko KB FrameWidget.cpp
555 octets bytes FrameWidget.h
5.16 Ko KB InputWidget.cpp
1.07 Ko KB InputWidget.h
2.21 Ko KB LabelWidget.cpp
818 octets bytes LabelWidget.h
7.26 Ko KB main.cpp
1.00 Ko KB Makefile
2.72 Ko KB MiniButtonWidget.cpp
861 octets bytes MiniButtonWidget.h
707 octets bytes Readme.txt
225.05 Ko KB Screenshots/scrsh000 (2).bmp
225.05 Ko KB Screenshots/scrsh001 (2).bmp
225.05 Ko KB Screenshots/scrsh002 (2).bmp
225.05 Ko KB Screenshots/scrsh003 (2).bmp
225.05 Ko KB Screenshots/scrsh004 (2).bmp
225.05 Ko KB Screenshots/scrsh005 (2).bmp
3.29 Ko KB SliderWidget.cpp
1.00 Ko KB SliderWidget.h
1.41 Ko KB Widget.cpp
2.77 Ko KB Widget.h
3.36 Ko KB WidgetApplication.cpp
1.04 Ko KB WidgetApplication.h
225.05 Ko KB Widget/001.bmp.tns
225.05 Ko KB Widget/002.bmp.tns
1.22 Mo MB Widget/Widgets.tns
2.45 Ko KB WindowWidget.cpp
680 octets bytes WindowWidget.h

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