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[ENGLISH] Useful Tools/Library/Axiom for Axe Parser !

Assembleur, Axe, C/C++, ICE...

[ENGLISH] Useful Tools/Library/Axiom for Axe Parser !

Message non lude Capysquid » 17 Mar 2024, 19:39

This article doesn't come from me, but from a certain Runer112 on the Omnimaga site.


Axe Libraries

Bezier Curves : Draws Bezier curves.
YAAM : Somewhat flexible scrolling 2D tilemapper.


GrayLib ★ High-quality interrupt-based grayscale and supporting commands like improved masked grayscale sprite and grayscale text drawing.


Input Routine : Get user input with a text box.


3-Byte and 4-Byte Libraries : Add, subtract, and display 3-byte or 4-byte (unsigned) integers.
Zedd Physics Library ★ Flexible 2D physics library.
3D Collision Detection : Handle collisions in a 3D world. Designed with gLib in mind as the rendering engine.

OS Interfacing

Clock Library : Read and write the time and date available on the 84+.



Advanced Graphics : Draw filled (black, white, or inverted) circles.
Text Routines : Draw text to arbitrary buffers and convert values to strings.
Scaled Sprites Axiom: Draw scaled sprites with OR or XOR logic.


AxeJH3D : 3D math, projection, and rendering.
gLib ★ 3D math, projection, and rendering.

External Interfacing
Calcnet Axiom : Interface with Calcnet.
USBpad8x : Make the calculator act as a USB keyboard.


LCDKit : Extra LCD control and direct reading/writing.
SpeedKey : Read the state of the arrow keys as a single number.


Floating Point Math ★ Execute just about any mathematical or variable manipulation operation provided by the OS.
Vector Axiom : 3D vector math.

OS Interfacing

RunPrgm : Run external assembly programs, which may be archived.
Detokenize Axiom : Detokenize strings of tokens (like those returned by the input command) and a few related commands.
Alphabetical Memory Kit : Read VAT (Variable Allocation Table) information and traverse it alphabetically with optional filtering by variable type.

Source Management

Pucrunch Decompression ★ Decompress Pucrunch-compressed data. Includes a Windows compression utility.
Fullrene ★ Enable execution of programs with more than ~8KB of code. May not work on 83+.
PageSwap : Control the memory page mapped to the $4000-$7FFF space. Allows rough emulation of multi-page applications. (Tutorial)


DCS Axiom : Interface with DCS's GUI stack.
AxiomGUI : Simple GUI stack that supports a cursor, modal alerts, buttons, and progress bars.
Menu Axiom : Display OS-style menus

On-Calc Tools


tileIt! ★ Monochrome and grayscale 8*8 tileset and tilemap editor designed with Axe in mind.


zStart ★ Run/edit archived programs, jump to labels, compilation hotkeys, accidental line clear undo, and much, much more. (Small font editor beta)

Off-Calc Tools


jsTIfied ★ Browser-based emulator.

SourceCoder : Browser-based TI-BASIC editor and image converter. Directly links with jsTIfied.
TokenIDE ★ Windows-based TI-BASIC editor with an Axe token set and sprite/image editor. Works on Linux with Mono.
IES : Browser-based TI-BASIC editor with an Axe token set and simple picture editor.


Pixelscape : Browser-based monochrome and grayscale 8*8 tileset and tilemap editor designed with Axe in mind. Compatible with tileIt !

Please, note that some of these tools require a minimum of programming experience to be used correctly and to avoid damaging the calculator.
We are not responsible for any damage that may be caused, like RAM-reset, lost files...
I recommand to use DoorsCS7 and archive them, so that you can work on them even when they are archived !
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