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Can't patch TICTexplorer

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Can't patch TICTexplorer

Message non lude jennieboyle » 26 Mar 2024, 04:37

I have a TI 89 titanium and to make the TICTexplorer program work I have to put ghostbuster

Despite all my attempts, I can't patch TICTexplorer. In fact, the patch works (I have 3 files in tictexplorer and I patch the 3 with ghostbuster ) but as soon as I run tictex() it gives me "protected memory violation"

My 3 tictexplorer files are in the main directory and all 3 are unarchived.

Thanks in advance!
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Niveau 1: MD (Membre Débutant)
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Inscription: 26 Mar 2024, 04:28
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Re: Can't patch TICTexplorer

Message non lude purplefurnace » 26 Mar 2024, 08:54

Ensure Proper Patching: Double-check that you're patching the TICTexplorer files correctly with Ghostbuster. Make sure you're using the correct version of Ghostbuster for your calculator and that you're following the patching instructions carefully.
Verify File Locations: Confirm that the TICTexplorer files are located in the main directory of your calculator's memory and that all three files are unarchived. Sometimes, errors can occur if the files are not in the correct location or if they are archived.
Check for Compatibility Issues: Make sure that the version of TICTexplorer you're using is compatible with your TI 89 Titanium calculator. Some programs may not work properly or may cause errors if they are not designed for your specific calculator model or operating system version.
Try Reinstalling TICTexplorer: If possible, try reinstalling TICTexplorer from a fresh download or source. There may be corruption or errors in the existing files that are causing the problem.
Contact Support: If you've tried the above steps and are still experiencing issues, consider reaching out to the developer or community support for TICTexplorer for assistance. They may be able to provide further troubleshooting steps or updates to resolve the issue.
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Niveau 0: MI (Membre Inactif)
Prochain niv.: 40%
Messages: 2
Inscription: 26 Mar 2024, 08:46
Genre: Non spécifié
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